Tuesday, February 26, 2008


We live in a world where endless travel opportunities and cultural exchange are now possible. Globalization has made the mere dreams of yesteryear possible. Not only have changes, such as time and space compression, brought about increased exposure for even the small corners of the world; they have also provided an information exchange. Travelers now don't have to submit to the preferences or commercial interests of travel agents and tourism bureaus. The internet has made available reviews and personal opinions on everything from a hotel review to the citizens that give a 'hotspot' its character. All by the simple click of a button; and now blogs are quickly becoming a popular method for even more detailed information.

As the internet boomed in the early parts of the new millenium, a popular website called letmestayforaday.com emerged. The website was the brainchild of dutch tourist Ramon Stoppelenburg. As a result of exposure garnered through publicity the number of traffic that went through the website reached an impressive number. This led to sponsorship and media giants such as Canon sponsoring his quest and adventure around the world. He lived with strangers throughout his travels to support and supplement his travel experience. Now anyone can live, all be it vicariously, through the adventures of others via their 'blog experience'.

Vagabonding (www.vagabonding.com) was recently voted the most popular travelblog website. The website featured the usual photos and experiences but also quite trivial and unique content such as reviews of the pests and bugs in various travel lodges. The author even went as far as taking lifesize photos of cockroaches that were found. This gives new meaning to the term 'the travel bug'...but clearly the gates to the world are open, and being used, as globalization becomes a way of life more so than merely a term. There is a world out there that more so than ever we are able to explore, and blogs give us a chance to share it with even more people, even strangers searching for unbiased opinion.

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